...or why is it that I`m so damn slow at this, lol.
Lately, I recived a few mails asking to see what is the process I follow to make a picture.
Although I don`t really have any secret techinque or anything I`d be glad to share this process, if anyone is interested.
So, here`s how it goes...

I`ve had this pic for quite a while, and now I`ve finally have the time to color it, yay!! Please forgive the sloppy pencil work, it`ll be less noticeable once the color starts kicking in
I saw this pose on another artist`s website, hope he/she doesn`t mind. Of course, I changed the angle, position and overall placement, I wanted this kid to have a " come hither" look while showing off that booty heh heh
The composition is sorta cheesy, but I`ll try and make it more intersting with some strong contrast, (or at least I`ll try)
Stay tuned for next post, when I`ll lay down the basic color scheme
see ya then