The very very first game that blew my mind was Chrono Trigger. It was awesome at the time, plus I was all about Toriyama`s musclebound men.
I remember getting really upset when my cartridge died on me and found out the game was more scarce than diamonds.
Then came Chrono Cross, the sequel. I got hyped, played half an hour and dropped it.
Ugh, some of the worst character design ever. The gameplay itself was fun, but I just couldn`t get over Nobuteru Yuki`s ugly characters. Granted his art is more sophisticated than Toriyama`s, it didn`t cut it for me
So, in a game barren of visually appealing characters, I got happy when I found out Guile and Zoah
Guile I liked most. I always pictured his outfit was sheer, and under the appropiate lighting you could see the good stuff:P